0.0 0.0 2 2 nft1155 0x859aA3699fD6B16b556Cd76f610BD77Fa19b53a2

Vision (Through My EyEs) / 49 of 50

10 % of sales will go to creator

75.0 WMATIC ($ 38.74)

After purchase a link to the work will be provided.

Price updated at almost 2 years ago to 75.0
by @Shakeila Tabman

@Shakeila Tabman transfered 1 number of copies
about 2 years ago

Put on sale on about 2 years ago
by @Shakeila Tabman

Minted about 2 years ago
by @Shakeila Tabman

  • Owner
  • Year created


  • Properties
    4250 × 5500 pixels, 500 dpi - 4.9 MB